Subsidy on solar water pumps is a term that both farmers and the common man would like to learn about. But first, let’s learn about solar water pumping in India.
Solar water pump is a new technology water pumping system that is powered by solar energy. They are especially beneficial for India’s agricultural regions where grid access is limited and cost of fuels like diesel is high.
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The initial investment in a solar pumping system may be higher compared to normal water pumps but it comes with numerous advantages. This is the main reason why small farmers can’t install solar water pumps in their fields.
To solve this financial problem of farmers, the government offers various subsidy schemes, with the goal of increasing farmers’ yield and income. So let’s learn in detail about these various subsidy schemes on solar water pumps in India.
Page Highlights:
#1. PM-KUSUM Yojana Scheme
Pradhan Mantri Kisan Urja Suraksha evam Utthan Mahabhiyan (PM-KUSUM) is an Indian central government-sponsored scheme led by MNRE. The PM-KUSUM scheme helps Indian farmers in installing solar pumps as well as solar power plants in India.
Under KUSUM yojana, you will have to bear only 10% of the total cost. The remaining 30% will be provided by the central government and 30% by the state government as solar pump subsidies. In that way, you’ll receive a total 60% subsidy on your solar water pump. The remaining 30% will be financed.

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced the expansion of the PM KUSUM Scheme, which will provide funds to 20 lakh farmers to install standalone solar pumps. She said while presenting the budget for 2020-21, that 15 lakh farmers would be provided funds to set up grid-connected 15 lakh solar pumps.
#2. NABARD Subsidy Scheme
The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development is an Indian bank that aims to provide overall possible benefits to small and needy farmers. NABARD offers subsidies for solar power plants and solar water pumps. If a farmer wants to install a solar power plant on his property, he will have to pay only 20% of the cost of the solar plant. And to pay the remaining 80%, NABARD offers loans.
Similarly, this bank is offering a loan for installing solar water pumps. The farmers must pay only 60% of the cost of installing a solar pump and the remaining 40% will be subsidized by NABARD. However, this 60% will also be financed by this bank. These low-interest loans are available to anyone. The interest rates will basically depend on RBI’s guideline.
#3. Pardarshi Kisan Seva Yojana-UP
The Uttar Pradesh government has launched the Pardarshi Kisan Seva Yojana. It is a subsidy scheme that provides financial assistance to farmers who want to install solar water pumps in their fields. Through this scheme the UP government aims to reduce irrigation costs and to provide uninterrupted irrigation facilities to farmers.

The solar water pump subsidy will be provided jointly by the central and state governments under this scheme/yojana. If a farmer installs a solar powered water pump under Pardarshi Kisan Seva Yojana, he or she will receive a subsidy approximately 90% of the total cost.
#4. Punjab Solar Pump Subsidy
When other state governments like Uttar Pradesh and Haryana are providing subsidies to the farmers, how can the Punjab government fall behind? To promote green energy, the Punjab government also launched a subsidy scheme for the farmers to install solar water pumps in the agriculture and irrigation sector.
The Punjab government will provide 75 percent of the total cost as Central Financial Assistance (CFA) to farmers who want to install solar water pumps in their fields under this scheme. It not only assists the farmer in installing an alternative irrigation source, but also helps in reducing carbon footprints in our environment.
#5. Mukhyamantri Solar Pump Yojana-MP
Madhya Pradesh has introduced and implemented the Mukhyamantri Solar Pump Yojana. This is a joint scheme of the central government i.e. Ministry of New and Renewable Energy and the government of Madhya Pradesh. The main objective of launching this scheme is to promote green energy overall in the state.

Under Mukhyamantri Solar Pump Yojana, the farmers are only required to pay 10% of the total cost of the project. The state government will sponsor or provide the remaining 90% of the project costs, with assistance from the central government (MNRE).
#6. Haryana Solar Pump Subsidy
Haryana is a state with a lot of agricultural land. And how can this happen if the Haryana government does not implement any farmer welfare schemes? The Haryana government has also launched a solar water pump subsidy scheme to help farmers in the state and maintain their best image.
Farmers in Haryana are only required to pay 10% of the total cost under the Haryana solar pump scheme. The remaining 90% will be paid jointly by the central and state governments. To get the subsidy, contact your state solar agencies before the installation.
#7. Saur Sinchayee Yojana-HP
The Cabinet Committee of Himachal Pradesh has implemented the Saur Sinchayee Yojana. An overall budget of Rs.224 crore is being provided to allot subsidies to the farmers who want to install solar water pumps in their fields. This scheme will cover around 90% of total cost. This 90% cost will be paid by the state government and the rest of 10% would be paid by the beneficiary (small or marginal farmer of HP) themselves.

The government of HP is also providing an 80 percent subsidy to medium and large farmers. In addition to all of these subsidies, the state government will provide 100 percent financial assistance to a group of small and marginal farmers / Kisan Vikas Sanghs / Registered Bodies of Farmers.
#8. Mukhyamantri Saur Krushi Pump Yojana
The Maharashtra government has launched the Mukhyamantri Saur Krushi Pump Yojana to benefit small farmers across the state. Under this scheme, the Maharashtra government aims to install around 1,00,000 off-grid solar water pumps. This scheme will be implemented in three different stages.

The first phase will include the installation of 25,000 solar-powered pumps, the second phase will include the installation of 50,000 pumps, and the final phase will include the installation of the remaining 25,000 pumps. The state government will pay 90 percent of the total project cost under this scheme, with the remainder paid by the beneficiaries themselves.
#9. Rajasthan Solar Pump Yojana
The Rajasthan government is also actively promoting solar energy products throughout the state. To encourage solar water pumping systems, the Rajasthan government is also providing subsidies on solar water pumps. Subsidy on solar pumps will reduce the burden of heavy upfront investment.

Rajasthan government works with the central government to provide subsidies for solar water pumps. The state government will provide up to 60% of the total cost under this subsidy scheme, with the owner responsible for the remainder.
#10. Surya Raitha Scheme-Karnataka
The government of Karnataka unveiled the Surya Raitha scheme in the state of Karnataka. Under this scheme, an on-grid/grid-connected solar water pump with net-metering feature will be installed. They will not only provide you with an alternative source of energy, but will also increase the income you receive from your fields.

In Karnataka, the government will provide 90% subsidy under the Surya Raitha scheme and the rest of 10% will be paid by the owner. This scheme is financed by interest-free soft loans from Bangalore Electricity Supply Company (BESCOM).
Steps to Apply for Subsidy on Solar Pump
- Select your state from the list below to visit the official website of your state's nodal agency.
Click to See: List of State Nodal Agencies
S.No. | Agency Name | Agency Address | Contact Details |
1 | ADMINISTRATION OF DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI | Administration of Dadra & Nagar Haveli 1st Floor, South Wingh, New Collectorate Building 66KV Road, Amli , Silvassa-396230 | (Mobile : 9650256310) |
District : Dadra & Nagar Haveli | (Email : admr-daman-guj[at]nic[dot]in) | ||
State : DADRA and NAGAR HAVELI | |||
2 | AGENCY FOR NON- CONVENTIONAL ENERGY AND RURAL TECHNOLOGY (ANERT) | Agency for Non-Conventional Energy and Rural Technology (ANERT), VikasBhavan (P.O.), Thiruvananthapuram- 695 033 (Kerala) | (Mobile : 9495921353) |
District : Alappuzha | (Landphone : 0471-2338077) | ||
State : KERALA | (Email : aneesh[at]anert[dot]in) | ||
(website : | |||
3 | ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLAND NRSE DIVISION, PROTHRAPUR, PORT BLAIR | Andaman & Nicobar Island NRSE Division, Prothrapur, Port Blair – 744105. | (Mobile : 9434260130) |
District : NORTH & MIDDLE ANDAMAN | (Email : itcellelepb[at]gmail[dot]com) | ||
4 | ANDHRA PRADESH – NEW & RENEWABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH (NREDCAP) | 5-8-207/2, Pisgah Complex, Nampally, Hyderabad – 500 001 | (Mobile : 9000777696) |
District : Guntur | (Landphone : 040-23201172) | ||
State : ANDHRA PRADESH | (Email : we[at]nedcap[dot]gov[dot]in) | ||
5 | ARUNACHAL PRADESH ENERGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (APEDA) | Urja Bhawan, Tadar Tang Marg, Post Box No. 141, Itanagar-791111 | (Mobile : 9436040907) |
District : Lohit | (Landphone : 0360-2211160) | ||
State : ARUNACHAL PRADESH | (Email : apeda79[at]yahoo[dot]com) | ||
6 | ASSAM ENERGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, (AEDA) | BigyanBhawan, ABC, Near IDBI Building,ABC, G. S. Road, Guwahati- 781 005 | (Mobile : 9864094255) |
District : Baksa | (Landphone : 0361-2450646) | ||
State : ASSAM | (Email : assamrenewable[at]gmail[dot]com) | ||
7 | BIHAR RENEWABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (BREDA) | 3rd Floor, SoneBhawan,Birchand Patel Marg, Patna – 800 001 (Bihar) | (Mobile : 9470667150) |
District : Patna | (Landphone : 0612-2507734) | ||
State : BIHAR | (Email : breda[at]breda[dot]in) | ||
8 | CHANDIGARH RENEWABLE ENERGY, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY PROMOTION SOCIETY (CREST) | Chandigarh Renewable Energy, Science & Technology Promotion Society (CREST) ParyawaranBhawan, 1st Floor, Madhya Marg, Sector-19-B, Chandigarh-160009 | (Mobile : 9463998525) |
District : Chandigarh | (Landphone : 0172-2703982) | ||
State : CHANDIGARH | (Email : crestchandigarh[at]gmail[dot]com) |
9 | CHATTISGARH STATE RENEWABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (CREDA) | 2nd floor, CSERC Building , Irrigation Colony, Shanti Nagar, Raipur, Chhattisgarh -492001 | (Mobile : 8889031113) |
District : Raipur | (Landphone : 0771-4019231) | ||
State : CHHATTISGARH | (Email : aloktv[at]gmail[dot]com) | ||
10 | DELHI – ENERGY EFFICIENCY & RENEWABLE ENERGY MANAGEMENT CENTRE | 8th Floor Wing „B‟ Delhi Secretariat I.P Estate New Delhi- 110002 | |
District : New Delhi | (Landphone : 011-23392034) | ||
State : NCT OF DELHI | (Email : delhi[dot]eerem[at]gmail[dot]com) | ||
11 | GOA ENGERY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY | DST&E Building, 1st Floor, Saligo Plateau Opposite Saligao BardezGoa-403511 | (Mobile : 9158008605) |
District : NORTH GOA | (Landphone : 0832-2407112) | ||
State : GOA | (Email : gedagoa[at]yahoo[dot]com) | ||
12 | GUJARAT ENERGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (GEDA) | 4th Floor, Block No. 11&12 UdyogBhavan, Sector – 11, Gandhinagar – 382 017 | (Mobile : 9909900652) |
District : Gandhinagar | (Landphone : 079-23257252) | ||
State : GUJARAT | (Email : director[at]geda[dot]org[dot]in) | ||
13 | HARYANA RENEWABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (HAREDA) | AkshayUrjaBhwan, Institutional Plot No. 1, Sector 17, Panchkula -134109 | (Mobile : 9416123050) |
District : Panchkula | (Landphone : 01722585733) | ||
State : HARYANA | (Email : birthal[dot]podre[at]gmail[dot]com) | ||
(website : | |||
14 | HIMACHAL PRADESH ENERGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (HIMURJA) | UrjaBhawan, Block 8/A, SDA Complex, Kasumpti, Shimla-171009. | (Mobile : 9418055515) |
District : Shimla | (Landphone : 0177-2621783) | ||
State : HIMACHAL PRADESH | (Email : himurja-hp[at]nic[dot]in) | ||
15 | JAMMU & KASHMIR ENERGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (JAKEDA) | Jammu & Kashmir Energy Development Agency (JAKEDA) Science and Technology Department SDA Colony,Bemina ,Srinagar | (Mobile : 9419406949) |
District : Srinagar | (Landphone : 0194-2490269) | ||
State : JAMMU and KASHMIR | (Email : saleempnr[at]gmail[dot]com) | ||
(website : | |||
16 | JHARKHAND RENEWABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (JREDA) | Jharkhand Renewable Energy Development Agency (JREDA) 3rd Floor, SLDC Building, Kusai, Doranda Ranchi-834002. Jharkhand | (Mobile : 9431102540) |
District : Ranchi | (Email : director[at]jreda[dot]com) | ||
17 | KARGIL RENEWABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (KREDA) | Baroo Tsog, District Kargil-Ladakh, Jammu & Kashmir, Pin -194105 | (Mobile : 9419029088) |
District : Kargil | (Landphone : 01985-232316) | ||
State : JAMMU and KASHMIR | (Email : kredakargil[at]gmail[dot]com) | ||
18 | KARNATAKA RENEWABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY LTD. (KREDL) | Karnataka Renewable Energy Development Agency Ltd. (KREDL) No. 39, “Shanthigruha” Bharath Scouts & Guides Building, Place Road, Bangalore- 560 001 | (Mobile : 9448451535) |
District : Bangalore | (Email : kredlmd[at]gmail[dot]com) | ||
State : KARNATAKA | |||
19 | LADAKH RENEWABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (LREDA) | Block II, 1st Floor, Hill Council Secretariat, Leh-Ladakh, (194101) Jammu & Kashmir, India | (Mobile : 9906977888) |
District : Leh (Ladakh) | (Landphone : 1982-257410) | ||
State : JAMMU and KASHMIR | (Email : reubengergan[at]gmail[dot]com) | ||
(website : | |||
20 | LAKSHADWEEP – ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT | Electricity Department Lakshadweep Administration , Kavaratti – 682555 | (Mobile : 9650235986) |
District : Lakshadweep | (Email : lk-admin[at]nic[dot]in) | ||
State : LAKSHADWEEP | |||
21 | MAHARASHTRA ENERGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (MEDA) | Maharashtra Energy Development Agency (MEDA), Sl.No. 191/A, Phase1, 2nd Floor, MHADA Commercial Complex Opp. Tridal Nagar, Yerawada, Pune – 411006 (Maharashtra) | (Mobile : 9552002102) |
District : Pune | (Landphone : 020-26614403) | ||
State : MAHARASHTRA | (Email : solar[at]mahaurja[dot]com) | ||
22 | MANIPUR RENEWABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (MANIREDA) | Manipur Renewable Energy Development Agency (MANIREDA), Department of Science, Technology, Sai Road, Takyelpat,Imphal-795001 (Manipur) | (Mobile : 9436039468) |
District : IMPHAL | (Landphone : 0385-2452685) | ||
State : MANIPUR | (Email : mlou_singh[at]yahoo[dot]com) | ||
23 | MEGHALAYA NONCONVENTIONAL & RURAL ENERGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (MNREDA) | Meghalaya Non-conventional & Rural Energy Development Agency (MNREDA) Near BSF Camp, P.O. Mawpat Shillong – 793 001 (Meghalaya) | (Mobile : 9436102916) |
District : South Garo Hills | (Email : mnreda[dot]dir[at]gmail[dot]com) | ||
State : MEGHALAYA | |||
24 | MP URJAVIKAS NIGAM LTD. | MP UrjaVikas Nigam Ltd., UrjaBhawan, Link Road No.2 Shivaji Nagar, Bhopal -462016 | (Mobile : 7558556526) |
District : Bhopal | (Landphone : 0755-2556526) | ||
State : MADHYA PRADESH | (Email : mduvnb[at]gmail[dot]com) | ||
(website : |
25 | NAGALAND RENEWABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (NREDA) | Nagaland Renewable Energy Development Agency (NREDA) Department of New and Renewable Energy Old Industries & Commerce Office Building Upper Chandmare, Kohina-797001Nagaland. | (Mobile : 9436005673) |
District : Kohima | (Email : dirdnre[at]gmail[dot]com) | ||
State : NAGALAND | |||
26 | ODISHA RENEWABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY | Odisha Renewable Energy Development Agency S-59, Mancheswar Industrial Estate Bhubaneswar – 751 010 (Odisha) | (Mobile : 9668582360) |
District : Baleshwar | (Email : ceoreda[at]oredaorissa[dot]com) | ||
State : ORISSA | |||
27 | PUNJAB ENERGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (PEDA) | Punjab Energy Development Agency (PEDA) SCO 134-136, Sector 34-A, Chandigarh-160036 | (Mobile : 9876693975) |
District : Ludhiana | (Email : blsingh29[at]rediffmail[dot]com) | ||
State : PUNJAB | |||
28 | RAJASTHAN RENEWABLE ENERGY CORPORATION LIMITED (RRECL) | Rajasthan Renewable Energy Corporation Limited E 166 Yudhister Marg CScheme Jaipur 302001 Rajasthan | (Mobile : 9413333095) |
District : Jaipur | (Landphone : 0141-2225859) | ||
State : RAJASTHAN | (Email : rrec_jaipur[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in) | ||
29 | RENEWABLE ENERGY AGENCY OF PONDICHERRY | Renewable Energy Agency of Pondicherry No.10, Second Main Road, Elango Nagar,Pondicherry – 605011. | (Mobile : 9876485962) |
District : Puducherry | (Landphone : 0413-2354319) | ||
State : PUDUCHERRY | (Email : pdreap[at]gmail[dot]com) | ||
30 | SIKKIM RENEWABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY | Sikkim Renewable Energy Development Agency, Government of Sikkim, D.P.H. Road (Near JantaBhawan), Gangtok – 737 101. (Sikkim) | |
District : East | (Landphone : 044-28224830) | ||
State : SIKKIM | (Email : siphoratargain[at]sreda[dot]gov[dot]in) | ||
31 | TAMIL NADU ENERGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (TEDA) | Tamil Nadu Energy Development Agency (TEDA) 5th Floor, Door No. 68 College Road, EVK Sampath Building, Maaligai, Chennai – 600 006 | |
District : Chennai | (Email : cmdteda[at]gmail[dot]com) | ||
State : TAMIL NADU | |||
32 | TELANGANA STATE RENEWABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD (TSREDCO) | Executive Engineer 5-8-207/2, Pisgah Complex, Nampally, Hyderabad, 500001 | (Mobile : 9948052767) |
District : Hyderabad | (Landphone : 040-23201502) | ||
State : TELANGANA | (Email : se[at]tnredcl[dot]telangana[dot]gov[dot]in) | ||
(website : | |||
33 | TRIPURA RENEWABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (TREDA) | Tripura Renewable Energy Development Agency (TREDA) VigyanBhawan, 2nd Floor, Pandit Nehru Complex Gorkhabasti, Agartala – 799 006 | (Mobile : 9436167937) |
District : North Tripura | (Landphone : 0381-2325900) | ||
State : TRIPURA | (Email : tredaagartala[at]gmail[dot]com) | ||
34 | UP NEW AND RENEWABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (UPNEDA) | UP New and Renewable Energy Development Agency (UPNEDA) VibhutiKhand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow – 226 010 | (Mobile : 9415609002) |
District : Lucknow | (Landphone : 0522-2720652) | ||
State : UTTAR PRADESH | (Email : dirupneda[at]gmail[dot]com) | ||
(website : | |||
35 | UTTRAKHAND RENEWABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (UREDA) | Uttrakhand Renewable Energy Development Agency (UREDA) Urja Park Campus, Industrial Area, Patel Nagar,Dehradun-248001 | (Mobile : 8307604555) |
District : Dehradun | (Landphone : 0135-2521387) | ||
State : UTTARAKHAND | (Email : director[dot]uredahq[at]gmail[dot]com) | ||
36 | WEST BENGAL RENEWABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (WBREDA) | West Bengal Renewable Energy Development Agency (WBREDA) Bikalpa Shakti Bhawan, Plot- J-1/10, Sector- V, EP & GP Block, Salt Lake, Electronic Complex, Kolkata- 700091 | (Mobile : 9433170537) |
District : Kolkata | (Email : director[dot]wbreda[at]gmail[dot]com) | ||
State : WEST BENGAL | |||
37 | ZORAM ENERGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (ZEDA) | Zoram Energy Development Agency (ZEDA), ZEDA Building, Above 132 KV Sub – Station, Zuangtui, P.O, Zemabawk–796017 Aizawl, Mizoram | (Mobile : 9436145042) |
District : AIZAWL | (Email : zedaaizawl[at]hotmail[dot]com) |
- Fill the online application portal and create an account by submitting all necessary documents, such as AADHAR, Land Documents, etc.
- After you've submitted your documents, double-check your eligibility for installing a 3 HP subsidised solar pump.
- Pay the tender portal and solar pump application fees.
- Enter the OTP that was sent to your device and select the installation company of your choice.
- A company representative will contact you as soon as possible.
Top 10 Solar Brands of Solar Pump in India
Installing a solar pump is an investment that will pay off in the long run. So only go with a solar brand that you know you can rely on for a long time. Below is a list of the top ten solar pump brands in India. All of these brands’ solar pumps are of high quality and efficiency. You can choose any of these options based on your preferences.
- Tata Power Solar Pump
- Shakti Solar Pump
- Falcon Solar Pump
- Amrut Solar Pump
- Crompton Solar Pump
- Lubi Solar Pump
- Waaree Solar Pump
- Texmo Solar Pump
- Oswal Solar Pump
- KBL Solar Pump
Must Read Articles:
Frequently Asked Question
All farmers, homeowners and NPOs (Non-Profit Organizations) can install a solar water pump on subsidy.
It depends on the capacity of the solar water pump and government subsidy on your state.
Yes, the government is providing upto 90% subsidy on solar panels according to its installation purpose.
Apply online through the Kusum portal, fill in the necessary information and pay the charges to register yourself for this scheme.
Kusum solar pump yojana is a central government sponsored scheme. Under this scheme, the government is providing a 60% subsidy to install solar water pumps in India.
Yes, PM Kusum yojana is a centrally sponsored scheme.
Yes, off course. You can sell excess electricity to the government through net-metering.
For buying any capacity solar water pump, you can contact us.
Top Solar Brands in India

We deals in all reputed solar brands Including Tata Solar, UTL Solar, Luminous Solar, Patanjali Solar, Microtek Solar, Exide Solar, Waaree Solar, Vikram Solar, Adani Solar, Lubi Solar.
✍️ Written by: Akhil Sharma & Updated On: 22/11/2021 By: Bhanwar Chauhan